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Jamie has experience in the show ring, on the trail and with all sizes and breeds of horses. She is our head judge for CHAPS She is also one of our indoor park instructors. You will also find Jamie on the road designing trail parks for both public and private facilities.

Nicole is our outside park designer and one of our senior judges. You may find Nicole judging, scribing, working on the outdoor trail park or teaching a lesson. If you have anxiety about riding, working your horse over obstacles or just need to build your confidence? Book a lesson with Nicole she will work her magic.

You may hear Amy before you see her. Amy keeps things moving at our events. Amy makes sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.

Judy Heinz
Judy takes care of all our scoring and adding entries to our road course. We couldn't do it without her.

She may be quiet but she's in charge. When she is not attending YSU Al is keeping our lesson program running smoothly.